Sacred Circles
Work with the Abundance Sisters in the sacred group container for harmonic inductions, activations, and attunements to embody your soul's light.
Included With Membership
Abundance Sacred Circle
Call In Your Abundance Codes
Included with Membership
Ascension Sacred Circle
Soul Liberation
"My voice is being heard now in a powerful way, even amplified on social media in a way that I didn't originate. Others are hearing me and seeing me and my message of the need for respect and to love our neighbors as ourselves. "
"Today, I will walk forward in the heart felt understanding that my Soul is asking me, and providing for me, to live in the buoyant, clear, life- filled, radiant light energy that is ME! I'm on a different timeline now! Wow! "
"Again thank you so much for the healing session, I really appreciate what you and Julie do creating these opportunities for all of us every week. What you said in that quick session was spot on, it's what I've been working to heal from for the past two years"
Ask Your Angels™
Come with the question in your heart and Ask Your Angels for divine guidance. This free weekly sacred circle clears your field and allows you to get the answers you seek.