
Become a member for access to all Sacred Circles, gifts, discounts, and the flexibility that fits your needs.

Miracle Membership

Monthly Subscription - Best Value!

Our Miracle Membership gives you access to our online sacred circles, a 1:1 session each month, and a discount on additional sessions. 

✨ Abundance Circles for mindset mastery and clearing hidden blocks that have been keeping you stuck in old patterns.

✨ Ascension Circles for activations and transmissions to clear karma and reset your genetic code to your highest timeline.

One 1:1 60 minute session per month to help you quantum leap and embody your future self.

✨ Access to our Library of Divine Wisdom for transmissions and guided meditations to alchemize your body for ascension - 1 new audio per month. 

✨ Membership discount on additional 1:1 sessions. 


Manifestor Membership

Monthly Subscription

Our Manifestor Membership gives you access to our sacred circles and a discount on 1:1 sessions. 

✨ Abundance Circles for mindset mastery and clearing hidden blocks that have been keeping you stuck in old patterns.

✨ Ascension Circles for activations and transmissions to clear karma and reset your genetic code to your highest timeline.

 Membership discount on 1:1 sessions. 


The results were immediate and continued to integrate for days after our time together. The session brought so much clarity, peace and calm in my life. I felt so connected to myself in a way that I never have before.
Reflecting back to sessions with other practitioners the results were never long lasting, with Cosmic Energetics I still feel aligned with my higher self and connected to my deeper knowing like never before.

Manifestation Jumpstart

Use this quick, easy guide to jumpstart your ability to manifest - our gift to you!